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Institute for Theoretical Physics
Utrecht University
Princetonplein 5
3584CC Utrecht, The Netherlands

email: t.p.hinderer [at] uu.nl     

webpage at UU: https://www.uu.nl/staff/TPHinderer?t=0 


Biosketch: I am an assistant professor in gravitational-wave theory at Utrecht University. I obtained my PhD in physics from Cornell University in 2008 and have since held postdoctoral positions at Caltech (Sherman Fairchild Prize Fellowship), the University of Maryland, the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Radboud University Nijmegen (Excellence Fellowship), and the University of Amsterdam.  

My research interests include modeling sources of gravitational waves, studying the physics of neutron stars and their equation of state, probing the nature of black holes, understanding dynamics in strong gravitational fields, among other topics. 

I am a working group leader for the Cost Action QG-MM, a topic leader for the Cost Actions GWverse and NewCompStar (past), and leader of the workpackage on analytical models for MBHBs in the LISA consortium.  

Here is the list of my publications on INSPIRES

You can find lay summaries of some of my research projects in a Nature research highlight, a German newspaper, ARS Technica , APS Physics and New Scientist